August 29, 2007

Happy Cats

I can hardly believe that it is Wednesday already! Where does the time go? Last Sunday I went to A and T's in Wilkes county for a cookout. A must have some kind of internal radar because each time she plans a cookout it rains!! And yes this time it stared raining as I was heading down the mountain. Now we don't let that stop us from having fun we just give the weather the required 10-15 minuets for it to change and we carry on.

This may look like just a bunch of weeds to the human eye, but to a cat it is heaven! We planted cat mint in the yard a couple of years ago and now find it popping up everywhere. I like to pull the whole plant up, dry it, and store it for over the winter. Then in January or so when the cats are getting a little house crazy I just rub some onto there cat scratch and watch them go nuts.

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